Multimedia Search and Retrieval over Integrated Social and Sensor Networks

Multimedia Search and Retrieval over Integrated Social and Sensor Networks

This paper presents work in progress within the FP7 EUfunded project SMART to develop a multimedia search engine over content and information stemming from the physical world, as derived through visual, acoustic and other sensors. Among the unique features of the search engine is its ability to respond to social queries, through integrating social networks with sensor networks. Motivated by this innovation, the paper presents and discusses the state-of-theart in participatory sensing and other technologies blending social and sensor networks.

Complete text is available here.

Publication Authors: 
John Soldatos
Moez Draief
Craig Macdonald
Iadh Ounis
Publication Event: 
WWW2012, conference (EU Projects Track), Lyon 2012

The Research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013)